A man visits his hometown after a gap of 15 years. He is stunned to see the developments; the small calm town in which he lived has now turned into a big city. He was really glad about these, but after a while he noticed something. ‘The coolness of the town has disappeared, now there was some sort of heat wave’. He observes that the green touch off the town was lost, not a tree was to be seen around. He was really heartbroken at this sight.
So friends, this is what is happening in many places, this process should be put to an end. My friends don’t be mistaken by my criticism. I’m not telling that we must hinder the developments of a country and go on planting trees. We must develop by maintaining and preserving the environment or nature, which is the core for our survival. We pull down trees, but fail to plant two other plants in its place. When I mean “two in place of that” it’s because, then only either one of them will grow into a plant or a tree. The world is in our hands, we have to serve it better to make it a better place to live in. We never think properly, we only do things that might turn useful to us….and that is why all these mistakes happen.
Here I try to share some of my ideas with you.
Find An Alternative to Fossil Fuels:
Fossil fuels like petrol, diesel etc...pose a great threat to the environment right from the soil to the ozone layer. There are many other alternative sources like electricity, bio fuels etc… again electricity can be produced from solar power, wind power, hydel power etc... We can no longer provide an excuse by saying: “We do not have the technology to do this”. The energy produced through these methods is known as “GREEN ENERGY”.
Start plan ting more trees:
We are all ready to shout slogans like ‘ Stop Cutting Down Trees’ and many also show enthusiasm in hugging the trees which going to be cut down. But have any of these guys thought of planting trees? The answer: NO! That is why I think it’s time to change the slogan: “Stop Cutting Down Trees’ and replace this slogan as: “START PLANTING MORE TREES”. Some trees need to be cut down in order to catch up with the developments. As long as you plant two or three trees in place of the tree which you intend to cut down it’s alright.
Make Highways Green:
Highways are really useful to us. It gives faster mobility and speedy access to big towns and cities, but travelling in these roads is really tiresome, mainly because of the heat. Even the vehicles are contributors to this heat; moreover they emit dangerous gases like Carbon Monoxide (CO). Why can’t we plant more trees along the highway without hindering the view? Trees helps to keep the air cool and clean, trees also intake carbon dioxide which again is a major contributor in emissions.
A lawn or a garden should be made compulsory
Government should implement laws like: - “There should be a small garden and a lawn for any building; the size of the building and the density of population. These plants help to retain moisture in the soil also apart from providing Oxygen (O2).
The above mentioned words were some of the ideas that rose in my mind. Doing so we can reduce the use of Air Conditioners and in turn reduce the damage caused to the ozone layer. We must use biodegradable materials so that the environment will not be deteriorated. We should think beyond the boundaries and opt for green fuels. Electric cars and motorcycles must be welcomed with a big heart. In many countries which have abundant sunshine, solar power plants must be set up. Deserts can be used effectively for the same cause. If we implement these effectively, we are sure to obtain a great deal of clean energy. Heat energy can also be converted into clean electrical energy. The roof of vehicles can be coated with solar cells, and energy obtained from it can be either be stored, or utilized by the vehicle itself.
If we can tame lightning. It will be a very huge achievement as lightning brings in thousands of megawatts of electric energy. Nowadays cars made out of wood have been invented, which means vehicles itself are being made biodegradable. We must welcome developments like these with an open mind. Hence the money used for R&D should never be categorized as a national waste.
In order to control pollution evolving from industries and vehicles, good catalytic converters must be put into effective use. People should opt for public transport; doing so will reduce the number of vehicles in roads which in turn helps in reducing emissions.
The future is what we make, rather than what it is hence today’s actions reflects the future. It is time for us to join hands for a greener and healthier planet. LET US THINK GREEN AND ACT FOR THE SAME!!