Saturday, October 2

DID YOU Know.......?

 The World Health Statistics 2010, released by WHO (World Health Organisation) has placed India in an unbelievable position. India has the highest number of Tuberculosis (23% of the world’s patients), Leprosy (54% of the world’s patients), Pertussis (29% of the world’s patients), Polio (42% of the world’s patients), Tetanus (22% of the world’s patients) and Malaria (55% of the world’s patients). It is the second highest in measles, the fourth highest in Japanese encephalitis and fourteenth highest in cholera. It has highest percentage of the world’s underweight children below the age of five years (43.5%). This is all far in excess of the percentage of world’s population, that India supports. To no other country goes the dubious distinction of being the first in so many areas.   


  1. wen u rite abt a sub like dis, do specify preventive/remedial measres also. mere facts wont do much good

  2. some interesting topics u can on

    protectionist approach of UK & US against india(immigration limit, hike in visa charges, steps to smother outsourcing etc ect)

    CWG = Common(man's)Wealth(gone)Games ?

    ayodhya verdict- judicial or panchayat decision ?

  3. I will try to include solutions in my future posts... thanks for pointing it ...:)
